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Investing in your ambitions

Our funds have been developed to suit you. Short, middle or long term, you will find an investment that matches your profile and meets your expectations.

Restructuration de notre offre de fonds d’investissement

Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus pour améliorer nos services et pour vous offrir la meilleure expérience d’investissement possible, nous procédons à une restructuration complète de notre offre lux|funds.

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Our strengths

An independent management company

Spuerkeess Asset Management is an independent asset management company whose shareholders are Spuerkeess and the insurance company lalux, which hold 90% and 10% of the shares respectively.

Reliable management

With the objective of achieving steady capital growth, Spuerkeess AM's investment culture can be described as dynamically conservative.

Une offre complète

Notre gamme de fonds monétaires, obligataires, mixtes et actions permettent l'établissment d'un portefeuille sur mesure en ligne avec vos objectifs.

Our approach
An independent asset management company and a reassuring asset management

As the objective is to obtain regular capital growth and/or stable and recurring income, Spuerkeess AM's investment culture can be qualified as dynamically conservative.

The management